Jeff Bezos Purchases All Uyghur Camps And Turns Them Into Amazon Factories

XINJIANG, CHINA – Touting it as Amazon’s big explosion into China, it was recently confirmed earlier today that executive chairman of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, bought out all Uyghur camps from Chinese authority with the goal of turning all of them into Amazon factories, with the Uyghurs working as employees.

“The way the CCP treated the Uyghurs is terrible and unjustified.” Bezos explained to reporters. “We at Amazon plan to make their lives better and easier by turning their camps into Amazon factories. So instead of being abused all day and night, they’ll work at the factory for free all day and night. Since many of these innocent people were traumatized from the events that happened in these camps, it’ll be a nice change of pace for them.”

Construction of these camps to turn them into Amazon factories has already begun, with plans of them being completed by late 2023. In the meantime, all the Uyghurs are being held in a small ditch until construction is complete.

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